It's not your parents' résumé anymore!

Today's best résumés are action-oriented and results-focused.

Your résumé needs to be constructed both for the ATS (Applicant Tracking Software) and the human reader.

The competition for jobs today is fierce. Online applications, the hidden job market, recruiter ghosting...you need a strong, focused résumé to convey your value and get invited to the interview.

I will show you how to make your résumé stand out from your competition and get results in less time than going it alone.

The résumé on this page is an actual résumé a client of mine landed a job with, and then it went on to win first place, Modern Classic Design, in a National Résumé Writers' Association annual résumé contest.

Graphics like these can be impactful, but are not necessary. Content is king and strategy is critical.

In this course, I will tell you what you need to know.

Congratulations on taking control of your career and setting yourself up for success.

Let's get started!

Invest in yourself and your professional future now

Hi I'm Cathy Lanzalaco

CEO of Inspire Careers LLC, Certified Professional Career Coach

and Certified Professional Résumé Writer.

Thanks for joining me for the

Résumé Writing for Rapid Results course.

A 3x career changer with 15+ years of experience in human resources, I provide insights and strategies that help my clients land jobs and create careers they love quicker than going it alone. 

A high-performance résumé is a MUST in today's technology-driven world.

I share my insights from "the other side of the (HR) desk" to help you learn what it takes to create a résumé that gets results quickly and moves you forward toward your dream job.

I also address a number of special circumstances in this course - ageism, being fired, gaps in your experience, and more.

I'm honored to be part of your journey.

Let's get started!